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thin drilling bit operation manual for project

2010-02-06    Source:BOSUN TOOLS

thin drilling bit operation manual for project:

(1) Methods of easily drilling

          Hand-hold drill will buring some various wallop to the tip result in crack or non-concentric for the tip case when drilling.the below two methods can solve this problem

          1、declining the tip proper ly in that stabling itself,when you have drilled out a Crescent channel,forehand drilling inside the tip steply.but noticing that,overladen pressure to the tip and deeply channel would break the tip easily.
        2、 choose a wooden board whose thickness is about 3cm,then put it on the ground or the wall to drill a hole has same diameter directly to your aim body. For fixed rig,before you start drilling you should make the it touch the floor lightly,then lift it up small amount millimeters .switching on the rig and let the tip drill the hole slowly,this method can prevent breaking the tip or cracking and non-concentric for the tip case

 (2)Methods of going smoothly for drill tip

          Lower capacity, more hard concrete, and non proper pressure or cooling water could bring some difficult for the tip going ahead.just like the strong shaking drill tip.the below methods can solve these problem:
         1、Figuring the drill tip to new blade with some old grinding wheel(40#-60# bold grinding wheel)

         2、drilling out some holes at the normal bricks in that come out new blade. If there is a big shaking ,you should to adjust the connection tip or check the major axis of the drill.

